Stop thinking and make

I want to make. I really do. Why haven’t I been making? Because I have been thinking about everything! What I want to do. What I want to learn to make things, make things better, make it the best it can be. Worrying about what could go wrong, what if no-one sees it or likes it. The one thing I’ve not been doing is making. What I’ve been neglecting is the actual creation, actually making things.

When I started Youtube, and with Expedition Fiction, I’d just make stuff and put it online and see what’d happen. After The One Challenge (on Youtube) and the interviews I did (on Expedition Fiction) ended I….started struggling as I’d lot the struccture I had to keep going. Plus I as looking into how to improve, I started focusing on improving and started making less and less. As I made less, I started thinking that I’d need to do X, Y and Z first before I could get started regularly making again.

What I’m going to do is make. I can learn on the job, so to speak. Get back into making what I want. I can improve as I’m making, since I can put what I’m learning inot practice straight away.

Stick around, and see how things go!