Enlist in the Jaeger Academy!

The Pacific Rim: Uprising viral marketing starts with the opening of the Jaeger Academy!

Go Jaeger

Original site that popped up was gojaeger.com. I didn’t pay too much attention to it as it asked you for a phone number to stay up to date. It still does, but recently a new site popped up that doesn’t need a phone number, which I’ll talk about in a moment. Now, the GoJager site has a few tabs with some scant info on:

  • The Learn tab has some information about the Mark VI Jaegers/mech suits.
  • Remember has a short timeline, only seven items long. Only the final item is post-Pacific Rim, and lets us know that it’s been 10 years since Pacific Rim.
  • Join has a link to a video on , and asks for you to text UPRISING to a number. I won’t be following that as I currently don’t have a phone.
  • Lastly, the main/front page has a video, that introduces the Jaeger Academy, and has an Enlist button that leads to it.

Jaeger Academy

The Jaeger Academy page has three main items on it. Firstly, the same video that the Go Jaeger front page. Secondly an Englist option, which wants access to your facebook account. Lastly, a link to the Hall of Heroes. After enlisting, you’ll be given a pilot license that you can download, with one of six achievements unlocked. I assume the first being enlisting. My license is below:

Jaeger pilot's licence
My pilot’s license for my Jaeger

The Hall of Heroes is a contest. It’s open to “legal residents of the United States, Canada (excluding Quebec), France, Germany, Japan, Mexico, Russia, South Korea and the United Kingdom” who are legal adults in their country. There are two prizes: The Grand Prize (two of these are available_ is a bag of merch, a picture of you in the film, a private VIP tour of the HQ of Legendary Entertainment, a costume fitting and attend the Hall of Heroes Induction Ceremony. The other prize (uo to 10 available) is getting your name in the end credits as additional inductees into the Hall of Heroes. The rules for the competition are available here.

Anyway, that’s where we are at the moment. Stay tuned for further developments. If you enter the competition, I’d love to see/hear your entry!