Interview with Jayka Ann
Who are you?
My name is Jess, I’m 21 and a U.K Cosplayer. My internet / cosplay persona is Jayka Ann.

What was the first cosplay?
My first cosplay was Serena from Pokemon X & Y series.
How did you get into cosplay?
I’ve always loved dressing up and I started sewing a few years back so it stemmed from there. The main reason was I spontaneously planned my first visit to a convention the day before and I knew people cosplayed so I wanted to put something together with stuff I already owned and Serena was a good choice aha.
How long have you been cosplaying?
2-3 years.
Favourite cosplay you’ve done so far?
I personally really like my Female Thor styled cosplay. It wasn’t very good craft/make wise but I really think it turned out well.
If time/money/materials were no issue, what’s the number one cosplay you’d do?
Spider Gwen! Her suit is super expensive and hard to get in the uk 🙁
Which cosplayer would you love to work with?
EmilyVonRose as she’s one of my besties and I think we’d be cute together aha. Plus KamauiCosplay but I’m sure I’d never get the chance, she’s awesome.
Any group cosplays you’d want to do (eg Mystery Inc, Sailor Scouts, Avengers, X-Men, etc)?
Totally spies, W.i.t.c.h and the eeveelutions.
Any advice for beginner or wannabe cosplayers?
Watch tons of YouTube videos to help you make your costumes. I’ve found videos extremely helpful for parts I’ve been uncomfortable tackling on my own.
You also stream on Twitch, how have you been finding that?
Streaming is fun. It means I can talk to new people whilst playing games and creating things. P.s more creative streams coming soon.
What do you like doing when not cosplaying?
Sleeping, eating, watching tv and playing games.
What music are you currently listening to?
What shows are you currently binging, or have just binged?
RuPaul’s Drag Race
What movies/shows are you looking forward to?
Star Wars, Avengers and fifty shades freed.
Are there any cosplays you’d love to see more people do?
I honestly don’t know.. I think most of the cosplay community has covered most things. Maybe more officer Jenny’s?
If you could live in one franchise, what would it be and why?
SAO or Harry Potter.
Are there any small cosplayers you think deserve more attention/coverage?
Where can we find you online (social media etc)?
@JaykaAnn – Twitter, Instagram & Snapchat