Mr Robot: Rekindle the revolution!

Mr Robot has got back in touch, and we need to keep the revolution going.


So yeah, Mr Robot is back.  Recieved an email titled “Restart” that has a gif of a video game “Continue?” screen that counts down from 10 to 1.
The website bootup screen/sequence is much quicker, which is fantastic.
Mr. robot’s speech is updated, since this is for season 2 of the show. He tells us we needing to keep this revolution going.


archive: shows all commands for season 1.
join: same as season 1, brings you into it the whole shindig and asks for your email.
restart: New command.  Shows webcam footage of in the inside of an apartment, facing the door. A hoodied person enters the shot, walks to the door, opens it and as they walk through it glitches to show a countdown.   At time of writing, the countdown stands at 02 weeks 18 days 07 hours and change. Counting down to July 14th 3am UK time which, taking timezones into account, is the premier of the premier of season 2 in the US on July 13th.

That’s it.  Small update, advertising the premier of the second season.  Hopefully there’ll be plenty of stuff to do as time goes on, but we’ll have to wait and see.