End of viral marketing round-up! #ExtinctionNow

With the film now out on general release, it’s time I wrapped up the expedition into this viral marketing campaign. There’s a number of items to cover, yet not much to say about them.

Most of it’s articles tweeted out by the Dinosaur Protection Group, though there are a couple more items to cover after that.

The Reports

  • Paleo-vets:
    Mainly talks about the importance of paeleo-vets, and getting more to look after the dinosaurs since they’ve been abandoned for so long. Also shares a few common diseases of the dinosaurs.
  • Saving the carnivores:
    TL;DR: Yes, it’s important we save the carnivores too.
  • Investigating the old park:
    Bit of a non-article. Talks about the old park, what happened, what it could’ve been in the new park. Also includes a link to some info on the dinosaurs of the first park.
  • The Sibo Effect:
    TL;DR: This is how the volcanic activity of Mount Sibo, the island’s volcano, is threatening and changing the ecology of the island.

Other DPG stuff

There’s a new blog post called “New Developments”. It’s just a post saying that they’re goign to the island, and that if you want to go with them, to visit a link in the post. The post leads to a Fandango page to buy tickets to see the film.
With zero fanfare, the Mount Sibo page was updated to show the volcano is now at Mag-04 “Eruption Imminent”. Both of these tie together with the release of the film in the US.

Extinction Now?

This was a very late entry to the viral marketing. A one page site, called Extinction Now, dedicated to stopping the DPG and letting the dinosaurs die. They also have a verified Twitter account, @Extinction_Now, and an associated hastag, #ExtinctionNow. I’m including this as it seems to be an official site, with the Twitter accoutn being verified despite being so small, and the site being registered by Universal.
It would’ve been nice if this had been started earlier in the marketing, and had some articles done for them, to provide some contrast to the DPG’s desire to keep the dinosaurs alive. However, as it stands, the site just seems more like a weak attempt to give the DPG an enemy of some kind.

The wrap-up

So, with this viral marketing campaign seeming to be over now, I figured I’d do a short wrap-up. WHile it was nice seeing the world building, and having the site going, overall it was kind of underwhelming, especially if you compare it to the viral marketing for the previous film. At the end of the previous viral marketing, when the film was released there was stuff on the site’s cameras showing that shomething was going on, yet another part of the site as well as the social media accounts were saying, “Everything’s fine, don’t worry!” The ending of this is, “We’re going to the island, go get your tickets!” Plus the previous viral marketing had the Jurassic World and Masrani Global sites to follow, both had regular updates, and stuff to do on them.
Still, props to the guys that ran this though. They put out regular updates, and they’re fans that managed to get into working with the franchise. It was great having stuff to read and seeing some worldbuilding before going to see the film.

What do you think?

So, what do you think? Did you like the viral marketing? What do you think of my opinions? I’d love to hear what you think! Feel free to let me know on Discord or on Twitter!