Category: Lets Watch

Stopping the Lets Watch

This is going to be a short entry. I’m going to be stopping with the Lets Watch of season 2 of Westworld, though I’ll still be watching the show. My posts aren’t up to...

Lets Watch Westworld Season 2 Episode 6

The chess pieces move into position. Gambits pulled off. How will board change when the armies fare when they meet in no-mans land?Dinosaurs would be an unsurprising addition to the game.

Lets Watch Westworld Season 2 episodes 2, 3 and 4

Overdue write-up Hey everyone, I’ve kinda been putting this write-up off. Doing this Let’s Watch has been a bit wierd, given this the first full one I’ve done (with the pilot of Mr Robot...

Lets watch Westworld: Season 2 episode 1

Introduction Great seeing the show return, and enjoyed the episode thoroughly! Figured I’d do a Lets Watch of the season so I could join in the theorycrafting that’ll inevitibly happen, and it should hopefully...

Mr Robot pilot – Lets Watch

I’ve finally watched the Mr Robot pilot, and I found it intriguing.It can be viewed on Twitch, here, but for how long?  Who knows!  Below the cut are the notes I made as I watched,...