Parce Dolores

As we reach the halfway point in season 3 of Westworld, little in the way of viral marketing or ARGing has taken place. We do have one message though: Parce Dolores

Email – Parce Dolores

After the second episode, titles The Winter Line, we received a new message from Aeden at Guest Services.

Dear Guest, Thank you for your interest in Warworld, an epic attraction of intrigue at Delos Destinations. Get swept up in the drama and find yourself head over heels—or in over your head. Things will be exactly as they seem, you just need to look more closely. Unfortunately, we are not accepting reservations at this time. This account is no longer being monitored, so please do not reply to this email. Best Regards, Aeden Guest Services Host
Email Subject: “Away Message: Welcome to Warworld

This indicates that they’re winding down the park aspect (for the time being, at least). However, if you visit the Delos Destinations site you get a message confirming that things (in-universe) have stopped with the parks. Passing that, and talking to Aeden, you get the following message:

i’m sorry, i am experiencinG sOme unfOrtunate technical Difficulties. i hope to Begin assisting You in your lifE without limits shortly.
Aedan’s oddly capitalised message

The odd capitalisation spells out GOODBYE. Telling that to Aeden gives you another message:

Aedan’s goodbye message
Parce Dolores
Parce Dolores

We now know where Aedan is, the otherside of the Door. Plus they give us a message of “Parce Dolores”. This has two meanings.

  1. It’s a reference to the first episode of season 3, Parce Domine, which is Latin for “Spare, Lord.” It’s also a chant, the translated lyrics being: “Spare, Lord, spare your people.Be not angry with us forever.”
  2. It translates itself to either “Spare pain” or “Spare Dolores.”

If it’s the former, who is asking to be spared? Humans or Hosts? If it’s the latter, who wants to avoid pain? Who wants Dolores to remain safe? We’re about halfway through season 3, and we don’t have any answers. Hopefully we’ll get answers in time.

Incite Inc

The next change comes from The site as a whole has been drastically redesigned since the last post on Incite Inc.

The site now stands as a futuristic ad site, telling what products and services the company offers. In general it covers stuff you’ve seen in the show, and doesn’t offer much to see once you’ve looked it over. That being said though, I did enjoy having the “Cozy Fireplace” limbic mood (visit the Medical page, click on one of the buttons on the video and the central button that pops up will give you the option to check out a few audio track that loop, but are woefully too short).

Hidden stuff?

While looking at the code of the Incite Inc site for the audio of the limbics, there’s code for a questionnaire and a login page. I wasn’t able to unlock anything, but hopefully this is indicative of something to come.

Delos Incorporated

Lastly, the Delos Incorporated site has also been updated. Instead of being a one page job talking about the founder, James Delos, it’s now a professional looking website talking about what they do, and showing off their products. Again, nice to have a look at and browse their products (the Law Enforcement mech does kinda remind me of Warbot in Accounting), but there’s no game-y elements to be found.


There’s not really much going on. I’m imagining this is due to the Covid-19 pandemic going on. That being said, we’ve mostly moved beyond playing in the parks, so there’s less most of the sites to be used for. Overall, it’s good seeing the in-universe sites being updated but I kinda wish there was more to do.