Who is Mr Robot?

I’ve just been pointed to an interesting site titled “Who is Mr Robot?” It’s an interesting little site and there’s not much there (beyond a video and a chance to register your email, which I’ve done) at the moment.

Looking into it, going off the post on the unforum that alerted me to it, it looks like it’s a promo for a show called “Mr. Robot.”  The show is a computer-focused thriller or drama, and there was some viral marketing at the recent SXSW festival.  The presence at SXW is covered by Vast MediaThe Verge has some information about the viral marketing, but has more information about the show itself.

There’s also a hastag #fsociety if you want to find out more on Twitter.  Warning though, it looks like there some stuff not about the show mixed in, so some of it won’t be Mr Robot related.

Hopefully the show will be more accurate with the computer work as most shows are (which wouldn’t be hard).  I’ll keep everyone posted on what I find out, especially with what I receive by email from the site.

1 Response

  1. 28th September 2018

    […] noticed people finding the site thanks to the “Who is Mr Robot?” post I did, and figured it was time to do an […]