Category: Expedition Fiction

Tiffie Starchild interview

First off, who are you, and what do you do when you’re not dancing as Mario?Hi! I’m Tiffie Starchild and I’m an artist and full-time Magical Girl. View this post on Instagram 🍄⭐️ I’ll...

Panadonia as Tamatoa

Panadonia interview

I recently had the opportunity to interview Panadonia, who’s Tamatoa inspired armour went somewhat viral after being retweeted by Tamatoa’s voice actor Jemaine Clement.

Dinosaur Protection Group site now up!

Following the release of the SuperBowl trailer, which is hecking terrifying by the way, an email was sent out by the Dinosaur Protection Group (DPG) saying that the website had been updated! But that’s not...

Delos Corp Alert!

Welcome back everyone! Over the past week, we’ve been spoiled on updates with the Westworld viral marketing! There was a Tweet sent out a few days ago, by the Westworld twitter account, and the trailer...

Negaoryx interview

I’ve had the opportunity to interview the wonderful Twitch streamer Negaoryx.

Jaeger Academy expands.

Didn’t get any emails, had to rely on Twitter to find out there was updates here.

Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom viral marketing

So a viral site for Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom has been launched, the Dinosaur Protection Group. Found it after it was tweeted or retweeted by one of the Jurassic twitter accounts I follow. The...

Emily Von Rose photo

Emily Von Rose interview

Who are you?I’m Emily von Rose a UK based cosplayer, kind of youtuber and sometimes streamer!