First email from the Dinosaur Protection Group (DPG)
So the Dinosaur Protection Group has just sent out its first email! This means that this viral marketing this is officially started!
A paradox in slow motion
So the Dinosaur Protection Group has just sent out its first email! This means that this viral marketing this is officially started!
So a viral site for Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom has been launched, the Dinosaur Protection Group. Found it after it was tweeted or retweeted by one of the Jurassic twitter accounts I follow. The...
Who are you?I’m Emily von Rose a UK based cosplayer, kind of youtuber and sometimes streamer!
Who are you?My name is Jess, I’m 21 and a U.K Cosplayer. My internet / cosplay persona is Jayka Ann.
The Pacific Rim: Uprising viral marketing starts with the opening of the Jaeger Academy!
Bard Quest is the second of the MSPaintAdventures, and is the shortest standing in at 82 pages. As of writing, it remains unfinished, and is unlikely to ever be continued or finished.
Intro Jailbreak is the first MS Paint Adventure done by Andrew Hussie. Nominally unfinished, it did eventually recieve an ending of sorts when hussie made a final command/panel during one of Homestuck’s many haituses. Only the first...
Yesterday a new email from Delos came through, with the subject line “Did everyone at Westworld get fired?”.
With the site updated, it’s time to catch up with the games I’m following (namely Westworld!)
Aeden the Westworld Guest Services Host has sent out a new email! Everything’s fine, and they’re going on the road!