Author: Richard Aspden

Mega-update on Jurassic World

A few days ago, the latest Super Bowl was on, and during half time several spots for movies including Jurassic World.  Coinciding with this is the release of a load more information on

Update on Masrani Global

A short update from the CEO of Masrani Global, related to the news of the Indominus Rex on the Jurassic World site.

Jurassic World update

If you’re following the twitter account, you’ll have seen this  mentioned there.  The Jurassic World site has been updated, with news of the Indominus Rex, the hybrid mentioned in the trailer.

The Wolf Among Us review.

The Wolf Among Us is another episodic game by Telltale Games, released episode by episode from the end of 2013 to mid-2014, and is based on the Fables comic series.  You play Bigby Wolf, the Sheriff of...

Cyberbully review

Just finished watching Cyberbully on Channel 4, and I was quite impressed.  Going in, I was expecting to see a show about the effects of cyberbullying.  What I got was an intense drama about trolling and... updates.

The other Jurassic World site, which I’ve spoken about, is  Recently, the site’s undergone a few updates, and there’s been some major changes.  I’ll go through them, then talk about how to keep on top of...

The Walking Dead Season 2 review

Thanks to the Steam Christmas sale, I finally picked up Telltale’s Waling Dead Season 2, and I spent the Christmas period and New Year playing it.

Several Masrani Global Updates

So, the Masrani Global site has had several updates throughout December of 2014. Firstly, the news page has an entry for December, and talks about the decommisioning of a weather satellite called Glinda (presumably named after the Good...