Category: Alternate Reality Games and Viral Marketing

Mr Robot’s revolution is still going strong!

The revolution has been moving along, and I’ve been stood still.So, Mr Robot has been in touch on and off since the previous post, but I have my reasons for not posting!

Lonelygirl15 returns!

Early youtube viral star lonelygirl15 returns after 7 year hiatus, and 10 years since her first video! [Yes, this is essentially identical to what was said in the video.  I ended up liking the...

LexOS: more testing

LexCorp and LexOS update.  This is a delayed post on my part.Sorry for the delay in doing this update everyone.  I did this about a fortnight ago and I’m only just getting round to...

LexOS: More tests, fewer answers.

LexOS has more tests to do, but what does it all mean? What’s new with LexOS? The LexOS site has been updated to allow more tests of the new OS to be done.  Once complete, the...

LexCorp finally updates!

Finally, the LexCorp site has been updated! Also, you can help Beta Test Lex OS!

LexCorp trailhead

Batman vs Superman advertising item: Lexcorp.  VIral marketing at the least, may develop into ARG.  This is the first post, so read on to find out how it starts!

Jurassic World: Viral marketing update

Jurassic World viral marketing has still been putting stuff out on both the Jurassic World and Masrani Global sites. What’s going on? Both the Jurassic World and Masrani Global sites have had updates, though...