Jurassic World Update: Finally something new on Raptor Pass!
Finally, the Raptor Pass part of the Jurassic World site!
A paradox in slow motion
Finally, the Raptor Pass part of the Jurassic World site!
Masrani Global has had another update, this time releasing information on the Masrani Security Initiative.
A few days ago, the latest Super Bowl was on, and during half time several spots for movies including Jurassic World. Coinciding with this is the release of a load more information on JurassicWorld.com.
A short update from the CEO of Masrani Global, related to the news of the Indominus Rex on the Jurassic World site.
If you’re following the twitter account, you’ll have seen this mentioned there. The Jurassic World site has been updated, with news of the Indominus Rex, the hybrid mentioned in the trailer.
Masrani Global has had another update.
The other Jurassic World site, which I’ve spoken about, is JurassicWorld.com. Recently, the site’s undergone a few updates, and there’s been some major changes. I’ll go through them, then talk about how to keep on top of...
So, the Masrani Global site has had several updates throughout December of 2014. Firstly, the news page has an entry for December, and talks about the decommisioning of a weather satellite called Glinda (presumably named after the Good...
So, the countdown on jurasssicworld.com is over and what did we get? An in-universe promotional website, giving visitors plenty of information on the park and the attractions!
As mentioned in an earlier post, the Jurassic World site links to the website for the Masrani Corporation.