Last email of the season!
This post’ll cover the final email from Delos/Westworld for Season 2 before the viral marketing goes into hibernation.
A paradox in slow motion
This post’ll cover the final email from Delos/Westworld for Season 2 before the viral marketing goes into hibernation.
With the film now out on general release, it’s time I wrapped up the expedition into this viral marketing campaign. There’s a number of items to cover, yet not much to say about them.
It’s been a few weeks since the last post, so time to round-up what’s been going on in the viral marketing before the season 2 finale airs!
This is going to be a short entry. I’m going to be stopping with the Lets Watch of season 2 of Westworld, though I’ll still be watching the show. My posts aren’t up to...
With the site updated, it’s time to catch up with the games I’m following (namely Westworld!)
The chess pieces move into position. Gambits pulled off. How will board change when the armies fare when they meet in no-mans land?Dinosaurs would be an unsurprising addition to the game.
An overdue, underwhelming and disappointing update to the Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom viral marketing.
Maeve develops new powers, Delores shows her mindset, Bernard continues to confuse.
Overdue write-up Hey everyone, I’ve kinda been putting this write-up off. Doing this Let’s Watch has been a bit wierd, given this the first full one I’ve done (with the pilot of Mr Robot...
Mr Robot has got back in touch, and we need to keep the revolution going.